We are social creatures, stuck on a planet, seemingly in the middle of no where. We talk in our social circles, say our good byes, only to return at a later date. We will change through our travels, and thus have different perspectives when we speak again. Our minds constantly morphing.
A funny thing happened in the last 100 years or so, technology occurred, and instead of the escape through distance were bound to our cell phones black berries, pagers, and computers. Letters just seem out of style.
But when we return, we catch up even though we know most of the story. We might nod our heads and let a person tell their side of the story again even though we know the ending. Finding out the hidden details that we missed, and then plan to go do something memorable. When were finally done the members of the circle run back to base to tell another circle what you've done.
Simply living lives, ideas being dispersed throughout circles, always changing, and not always compatible. Were morphing circuits with changing values, oh yes, we can retain a small figment of our past, but for the most part were upgraded versions of our former selves.
Now conversation, the exchange of ideas, does that really end? If i say say one thing and you argue another, and lets say your right, would the conversation end? Would there still be other circles who argue against? Would you still be compatible with those circles on the same subject or do you need to create a new circle all together?
Things to think about:
Religion, Politics, Values are some attributes of an individual in a circle.
Your ability to approach others is your connecting line to another platter of circles.
A circle is a group of individuals engaged in conversation.
Conversation can multitask within the circle.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
The Pressure Dome
Your in a stadium, a dome, no seats are around, just solid white walls. The floor is much the same, everything covered in white. Perplexed by the scene around you make your way to the center of the dome, realizing there's no way out you simply lay down. Utterly bored you begin to stair and start to lose focus. Closing your eyes results in much the same, but you continue to stair.
With your eyes closed, staring into nothingness you begin to realize things exist. Lights emit distant mountains appear in the west, doorways and pathways appear, eyes. Your mind begins to wonder, thinking on its own, without assistance. You catch yourself in mid thought and open your eyes.
The room is now pitch black, lights are still emitting, but they're more organized then before. Your thoughts are free flowing, it takes you a little while, but you realize your somewhere you've never been before.. Inside your mind. You sit, pleasantly observing the thoughts around you. But your attention is distracted to a distant corner; something isn't right about the texture of the wall.
You begin to walk toward it, your thoughts slowly fade away and the room becomes empty. You begin to concentrate, and begin to see what it is. A cork, simply put in the wall. You try to think what's on the other side but the thoughts simply are lost.
You sit, and contemplate what is on the other side, and slowly it comes back. The happiness, the sadness, the anger, and acceptance of a forgotten moment.
Pushed aside, you begin to believe you want what's behind it, and gradually you allow the pressure to ease between the two sides. If you simply pull the cork, you'd fill the dome with thoughts from afar flooding you conscious mind, but by allowing the pressure to equalize, you're allowing for a much easier transition.
Fallout, panic, worrisome, you know why its there, but what else is there? Behind the cork you know what’s ahead of you, you just don't know where it will end up.
With your eyes closed, staring into nothingness you begin to realize things exist. Lights emit distant mountains appear in the west, doorways and pathways appear, eyes. Your mind begins to wonder, thinking on its own, without assistance. You catch yourself in mid thought and open your eyes.
The room is now pitch black, lights are still emitting, but they're more organized then before. Your thoughts are free flowing, it takes you a little while, but you realize your somewhere you've never been before.. Inside your mind. You sit, pleasantly observing the thoughts around you. But your attention is distracted to a distant corner; something isn't right about the texture of the wall.
You begin to walk toward it, your thoughts slowly fade away and the room becomes empty. You begin to concentrate, and begin to see what it is. A cork, simply put in the wall. You try to think what's on the other side but the thoughts simply are lost.
You sit, and contemplate what is on the other side, and slowly it comes back. The happiness, the sadness, the anger, and acceptance of a forgotten moment.
Pushed aside, you begin to believe you want what's behind it, and gradually you allow the pressure to ease between the two sides. If you simply pull the cork, you'd fill the dome with thoughts from afar flooding you conscious mind, but by allowing the pressure to equalize, you're allowing for a much easier transition.
Fallout, panic, worrisome, you know why its there, but what else is there? Behind the cork you know what’s ahead of you, you just don't know where it will end up.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Social Interactions
Upon any typical day you'll run into the usual suspects. Your circle of friends, the network that you have developed sends signals out into the world.
Conflicts occur when individuals are not able to get along with other individuals. And for the most part, everyone around plays an important roll in any conflict. But mainly there's the deliverer, this individual initiate the conflict in an otherwise neutral environment. From there a variety of things happen, firstly it is received and of course individuals are trying to neutralize the conflict from occurring. There are targets, where the conflict is directed toward, the target and the deliverer are now engaged in discussion. Diffusers typically step in and spin the situation into a different direction, unless you have a solver who can fix a situation permanently. Bystanders and encourages also exist in conflict but these opinions really should have no say in this situation.
Conflicts occur when individuals are not able to get along with other individuals. And for the most part, everyone around plays an important roll in any conflict. But mainly there's the deliverer, this individual initiate the conflict in an otherwise neutral environment. From there a variety of things happen, firstly it is received and of course individuals are trying to neutralize the conflict from occurring. There are targets, where the conflict is directed toward, the target and the deliverer are now engaged in discussion. Diffusers typically step in and spin the situation into a different direction, unless you have a solver who can fix a situation permanently. Bystanders and encourages also exist in conflict but these opinions really should have no say in this situation.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Complete and Utter Randomness
For this post i want to touch on a few things I found.
While i was sitting at my computer, I stumbled across a song by Gnarls Barkley titled "crazy". Which you can listen to if you click here. Lyrically its an amazing song, with just a simplistic approach for drums and bass with a quiet choir in the background. Occasionally strings will jump in, filling in the darkness. I looked to see if he had any other songs that would stand out but this was the only one. The lyrics for this song can be found here.
Another thing I've noticed is that people who place quotes in their profiles are placing quotes that are most meaningful to them at that particular moment in there life. Thus I've decided to save the ones that stood out and actually think about these rather then simply closing the box and with the quote never really existing.. I'll try to do this type of post every now and then, it just gives me a break and allows me to find something different.
"A significant and growing minority of students is simply not propelled by what we have come to regards conventional motivation. Rather than aiming to be successful men in an achievement oriented society, they want to be moral men in a moral society."
Money is not everything in life.
People fail to realize that.
What you own will eventually own you.
So doing the right thing is more important then the things you own.
Fear comes from the Devil, Faith comes from God. Which are you gonna listen to?
I'm not going to be scared into picking between two choices, what a fallacy. Life is bigger then a 50/50 multiple choice answer where if you don't believe your going to hell. I do not want to go to a place "heaven" where individuals think they are better then everyone else "non-believers". Racist, that's what I'll call religious people, people who can not see that every religion is inter-connected, and that non-believers could be better individuals then believers.
Religion, the seed of racism.
a brainwashing clinic.
V. Van Gogh "When people get more education, they lose their youth"
Youth? what is youth? is youth simply ignorance to the world around us? If it does, then i will completely agree with this.
I however do not believe that youth can be lost through education (what about a war?). Since the beginning of humans existence individuals existed and lost their youth. Education didn't come until the foundation of civilization.
Hmmmm.. youth is something that does not exist, but only in your mind. You lose it by losing sight of your mind and becoming a different person altogether.
"The sooner you know who you are and what you want, the less you'll let things upset you."-lost in translation.
This is a nice quote, but it stresses speed, know exactly what you want or you'll be angry with yourself. A lot of people don't know what they want to be, and the sooner they make their decision that they think could be the right one, the sooner they'll find out that they made a bad choice. Speed is not everything in life. Slow down, think, be wise.
The torture of chalk dust collects on my tongue, Can't this wait til I'm old, Can't I live while I'm young.
A better argument to when people lose their youth in education. I still must say this is the most common way people could lose their youth, but its not the only way to lose yourself.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
wake up naked
drinking coffee
making plans to change to world.
By far my favorite two quotes I found. I guess this reflects the point in my life where I'm at right now. Trying to find direction, to slow down and put meaning to everything before setting the right foot forward.
While i was sitting at my computer, I stumbled across a song by Gnarls Barkley titled "crazy". Which you can listen to if you click here. Lyrically its an amazing song, with just a simplistic approach for drums and bass with a quiet choir in the background. Occasionally strings will jump in, filling in the darkness. I looked to see if he had any other songs that would stand out but this was the only one. The lyrics for this song can be found here.
Another thing I've noticed is that people who place quotes in their profiles are placing quotes that are most meaningful to them at that particular moment in there life. Thus I've decided to save the ones that stood out and actually think about these rather then simply closing the box and with the quote never really existing.. I'll try to do this type of post every now and then, it just gives me a break and allows me to find something different.
"A significant and growing minority of students is simply not propelled by what we have come to regards conventional motivation. Rather than aiming to be successful men in an achievement oriented society, they want to be moral men in a moral society."
Money is not everything in life.
People fail to realize that.
What you own will eventually own you.
So doing the right thing is more important then the things you own.
Fear comes from the Devil, Faith comes from God. Which are you gonna listen to?
I'm not going to be scared into picking between two choices, what a fallacy. Life is bigger then a 50/50 multiple choice answer where if you don't believe your going to hell. I do not want to go to a place "heaven" where individuals think they are better then everyone else "non-believers". Racist, that's what I'll call religious people, people who can not see that every religion is inter-connected, and that non-believers could be better individuals then believers.
Religion, the seed of racism.
a brainwashing clinic.
V. Van Gogh "When people get more education, they lose their youth"
Youth? what is youth? is youth simply ignorance to the world around us? If it does, then i will completely agree with this.
I however do not believe that youth can be lost through education (what about a war?). Since the beginning of humans existence individuals existed and lost their youth. Education didn't come until the foundation of civilization.
Hmmmm.. youth is something that does not exist, but only in your mind. You lose it by losing sight of your mind and becoming a different person altogether.
"The sooner you know who you are and what you want, the less you'll let things upset you."-lost in translation.
This is a nice quote, but it stresses speed, know exactly what you want or you'll be angry with yourself. A lot of people don't know what they want to be, and the sooner they make their decision that they think could be the right one, the sooner they'll find out that they made a bad choice. Speed is not everything in life. Slow down, think, be wise.
The torture of chalk dust collects on my tongue, Can't this wait til I'm old, Can't I live while I'm young.
A better argument to when people lose their youth in education. I still must say this is the most common way people could lose their youth, but its not the only way to lose yourself.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
wake up naked
drinking coffee
making plans to change to world.
By far my favorite two quotes I found. I guess this reflects the point in my life where I'm at right now. Trying to find direction, to slow down and put meaning to everything before setting the right foot forward.
Life is about moments, knowing when to stop and possibly when to push the limit. These moments lay on the foundation of hope. Hoping for a moment to come true, may close the door to other moments in your life. And knowing when to let go of your hope may allow for other hopes to arise in its place.
Moments define your life; they are the pinnacles of when the fork in the road occurs. There’s no way to go back to how things use to be, you can only pretend. By laying in the foundations of your life you begin to look back and lay the foundations of hope.
Life goes on, knowing the exact thing to say at the exact moment may help you open new doors. But by saying the right thing and listening to other individuals are you simply just becoming adapted to your surroundings? Are you living the dream, or has the dream consumed you?
Lets face it were animals… I thought humans were better then that.
There will be times in life where you already know the ending. By saying the right thing, by doing the right action, you promote other doors opening. Simply letting go of conscious mind allows you to travel millions of miles in a split second. The knowledge obtained, and then lost in the reprocessing of darkness.
Losing sight of who you really are.
That’s sadness.
Pretending to live a life based on instinct.
Air Raid, thoughts exploding.
Observing from afar,
I hope to view my life in the future as meaningful. The choice to live you life without instinct..
I believe that you can never lose yourself, if you abandon instinct.
Thus if you want to remain human, and make the choices that are most beneficial to the beings surrounding you; you shall give up every ounce of your being; and thus be the happiest of your entire life.
That moment, well, you’ll find it just as I have…
Moments define your life; they are the pinnacles of when the fork in the road occurs. There’s no way to go back to how things use to be, you can only pretend. By laying in the foundations of your life you begin to look back and lay the foundations of hope.
Life goes on, knowing the exact thing to say at the exact moment may help you open new doors. But by saying the right thing and listening to other individuals are you simply just becoming adapted to your surroundings? Are you living the dream, or has the dream consumed you?
Lets face it were animals… I thought humans were better then that.
There will be times in life where you already know the ending. By saying the right thing, by doing the right action, you promote other doors opening. Simply letting go of conscious mind allows you to travel millions of miles in a split second. The knowledge obtained, and then lost in the reprocessing of darkness.
Losing sight of who you really are.
That’s sadness.
Pretending to live a life based on instinct.
Air Raid, thoughts exploding.
Observing from afar,
I hope to view my life in the future as meaningful. The choice to live you life without instinct..
I believe that you can never lose yourself, if you abandon instinct.
Thus if you want to remain human, and make the choices that are most beneficial to the beings surrounding you; you shall give up every ounce of your being; and thus be the happiest of your entire life.
That moment, well, you’ll find it just as I have…
Friday, November 17, 2006
The Shadows
I realized a world of information that i can not imagine to pass along... Because i know everyone has a different view... Its actually funny, but i now realize leaving things up to the reader, is by far, the way to write. To force your opinion upon someone, is unpatriotic. But to show an individual an idea.. Now that is something great....
The shadows that follow,
the voices behind,
a worrysome additude sets in.
Around the corner,
farther down the street a answer decends.
The pavement,
white during the day,
but at night,
can pave an erie sight.
To see your shadow,
Isn't it welcome?
But then again,
its over come,
Another is in your footsteps.
Why do they follow?
Do they know where the light ends?
A world of eternal light,
never seen by a human,
recieves a welcome sight.
But a world of eternal darkenss,
hatred flows,
never to know the surroundings.
Isn't it fitting,
A warning shot,
that light and darkness is your friend.
But then again,
the chase is on,
how do they know,
where your path ends?
Can you get away?
and choose a path without dismay?
Faster and faster,
never to now whos in your footsteps.
An officer?
A person with authority?
Am i in trouble?
or am i just dreaming?
the shades of grey over come.
The world we live in,
where everyone has their problems.
Its ony fitting,
and almost decieving,
that your answer,
lie within the shadows.
Observe quickly,
or be over come,
with the shades.
The shadows that follow,
the voices behind,
a worrysome additude sets in.
Around the corner,
farther down the street a answer decends.
The pavement,
white during the day,
but at night,
can pave an erie sight.
To see your shadow,
Isn't it welcome?
But then again,
its over come,
Another is in your footsteps.
Why do they follow?
Do they know where the light ends?
A world of eternal light,
never seen by a human,
recieves a welcome sight.
But a world of eternal darkenss,
hatred flows,
never to know the surroundings.
Isn't it fitting,
A warning shot,
that light and darkness is your friend.
But then again,
the chase is on,
how do they know,
where your path ends?
Can you get away?
and choose a path without dismay?
Faster and faster,
never to now whos in your footsteps.
An officer?
A person with authority?
Am i in trouble?
or am i just dreaming?
the shades of grey over come.
The world we live in,
where everyone has their problems.
Its ony fitting,
and almost decieving,
that your answer,
lie within the shadows.
Observe quickly,
or be over come,
with the shades.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Brian Vincent
I've lately been getting some good feedback from the blogs that I’ve been writing, whether its from e-mail, instant messenger, or the comment button that no one seems to notice (but matt). However, I thought it would be an interesting idea to come up with a pen name before I start to start to get more new readers coming to my blog.
The reason I decided to come up with this idea is based on increase in traffic. As of Thursday I actually had over 100 hits for the first time ever. The traffic to my site went up from 8 hits a day as of Sunday to 100 by Thursday. I stopped writing when this occurred and was simply stunned. The feeling I experiences was like forgetting to lock the back door to your house when drug dealers are using your parking lot to move their goods. You never know if something is going to go down the time you see headlights flash by your bedroom.
But now that I regained my composure and I want to thank everyone who's reading. And apologize for that brief moment of outspokenness.
I just don't want to be famous; but merely to continue doing what I like and having my thoughts and ideas imploding upon an eager population of individuals.
So for my pen name decision, I was sitting down at the dinner table and my parents were actually going to name me something else before they finally chose my name. I was to be a Brian before my grandfather died. So to honor that brief lost moment in time, I guess I’ll adopt that very name for the first in my pen name. The only other name I liked was when I fooled my good friend into believing my middle name was actually Vincent; which he believed for a couple hours until I started grinning ear to ear.
So therefore whenever I write from now on I'll go by the pen name Brian Vincent.
The reason I decided to come up with this idea is based on increase in traffic. As of Thursday I actually had over 100 hits for the first time ever. The traffic to my site went up from 8 hits a day as of Sunday to 100 by Thursday. I stopped writing when this occurred and was simply stunned. The feeling I experiences was like forgetting to lock the back door to your house when drug dealers are using your parking lot to move their goods. You never know if something is going to go down the time you see headlights flash by your bedroom.
But now that I regained my composure and I want to thank everyone who's reading. And apologize for that brief moment of outspokenness.
I just don't want to be famous; but merely to continue doing what I like and having my thoughts and ideas imploding upon an eager population of individuals.
So for my pen name decision, I was sitting down at the dinner table and my parents were actually going to name me something else before they finally chose my name. I was to be a Brian before my grandfather died. So to honor that brief lost moment in time, I guess I’ll adopt that very name for the first in my pen name. The only other name I liked was when I fooled my good friend into believing my middle name was actually Vincent; which he believed for a couple hours until I started grinning ear to ear.
So therefore whenever I write from now on I'll go by the pen name Brian Vincent.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Individuals go through life, living the same routine everyday, day in and day out. They've been so ingrained into their lifestyle that after a while any other options gradually fade away. Taking the same route on the way to work, the same stop at the gas station, the same hello's, and of course the same tps reports ("your work"). If there's any hitch in any of these routines it might tick someone off.
Now your an outside individual looking in, maybe your that new guy/girl at work. And for some reason the routine is more cumbersome then actually getting the work done. This is where you open your mouth and open the eyes of the individuals around you. People might get that temporary look of being hit by a two by four but its about time someone said something.
Now your an outside individual looking in, maybe your that new guy/girl at work. And for some reason the routine is more cumbersome then actually getting the work done. This is where you open your mouth and open the eyes of the individuals around you. People might get that temporary look of being hit by a two by four but its about time someone said something.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
The basement
With parts afar,
The ceiling tile,
is still ajar,
Oh why oh why,
Florescent lights,
Shin so bright,
The color gone,
CD player,
music file,
The same old tune,
Echos in,
A Blanket,
Footsteps above,
They worry me,
Abruptly stop,
Change direction,
What’s their hurry,
Their destination?
Tastes of metal,
Screws together,
Broken pieces,
They lie and wait,
Another day,
Just in vain,
Why doors open,
They worry me,
Almost done,
Change direction,
What’s my hurry,
My destination?
With parts afar,
The ceiling tile,
is still ajar,
Oh why oh why,
Florescent lights,
Shin so bright,
The color gone,
CD player,
music file,
The same old tune,
Echos in,
A Blanket,
Footsteps above,
They worry me,
Abruptly stop,
Change direction,
What’s their hurry,
Their destination?
Tastes of metal,
Screws together,
Broken pieces,
They lie and wait,
Another day,
Just in vain,
Why doors open,
They worry me,
Almost done,
Change direction,
What’s my hurry,
My destination?
An Election Result
Some people were elected,
Forcing a change that needs a new perspective,
Flushing out the old,
And changing the drapes,
A process to correct the laws of primitive apes.
Dozens still die from forefather’s decision,
Sectarian violence,
Our enemy’s conviction,
To stay the course as Macarthur would,
Or to call it quits like Truman should.
Bush is confronted with that same choice,
Gone his control,
The house, the senate,
His party in tatters,
Forced to compromise on the political ladder.
To fail,
A lame duck takes hold,
And the word veto just gets plain old,
Deadlock stricken the spine of a nation,
As of today,
Six years past our sinking ship,
Violent U-turns,
A sudden temptation.
Slow Down!!!
Think Together!!!
Monkeys Can't Press Buttons Forever...
Forcing a change that needs a new perspective,
Flushing out the old,
And changing the drapes,
A process to correct the laws of primitive apes.
Dozens still die from forefather’s decision,
Sectarian violence,
Our enemy’s conviction,
To stay the course as Macarthur would,
Or to call it quits like Truman should.
Bush is confronted with that same choice,
Gone his control,
The house, the senate,
His party in tatters,
Forced to compromise on the political ladder.
To fail,
A lame duck takes hold,
And the word veto just gets plain old,
Deadlock stricken the spine of a nation,
As of today,
Six years past our sinking ship,
Violent U-turns,
A sudden temptation.
Slow Down!!!
Think Together!!!
Monkeys Can't Press Buttons Forever...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

But the crossroads in life, it’s just like a street light. Some decisions have been made in advance and green lights a shinning down the path, some yellow lights caution you to take your time and slow down and some red lights appear to stop whatever your doing.
Is merely going down Main Street the life that was meant for yourself? Living as everyone else has. Or have you hit a red light and traveled off the beaten path? Coming back days, weeks, or months later with stories of your travels? Or are you just pissed off that the street light scenario even exists? Where as life shouldn't be about stopping and going but rather a straight shot to the finish line.
Its funny how you can view the networks of our culture and turn them around into meaningful examples. One thing I have figured out is that everyone’s life is art. No matter how you approach the crossroads and make your decisions in life there's no wrong way to live out your life.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Today is the day that individuals go to the polls and vote for the lesser of two evils. The democrats on one side believe that they can deliver change to the world while the republicans believe that the democrats will fail horribly and provide us with an even worse situation then we have right now. Regardless of how you vote and the total outcome of the election, democrats need to pick up a few seats in the house and senate in order to start to bring some order to this country.
Having a singular political party in control of all aspects of our government is just a bad policy when the other half of America believes entirely in a different manner. It doesn't have to be a huge change, but just a few seats swinging across the board would be nice to see..
The same story goes, for forever, I suppose.. It just matters what party is in charge at the time of the republics sweeping need for change.
Having a singular political party in control of all aspects of our government is just a bad policy when the other half of America believes entirely in a different manner. It doesn't have to be a huge change, but just a few seats swinging across the board would be nice to see..
The same story goes, for forever, I suppose.. It just matters what party is in charge at the time of the republics sweeping need for change.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Defense Mechanisms
I'll start where I left off in my last post, impact interactions can make a greater impact on individuals with lower defense mechanisms. These are people namely less educated individuals who go along with the group decisions rather then speaking out for themselves. So one way to get around defense mechanisms is firstly to get into "the group". Being familiar with other individuals can grab an influence, and spew poison inside the mind of a group and open the flood gates for information inside a targeted individual.
Another way to get past defense mechanisms is by knowledge or knowing a vast majority of information about a topic the individual that the individual enjoys. This is sadly done rather easily; in today’s world the largest intelligence gathering is taking place voluntarily in places such as "Myspace" and "Facebook" whereas individuals diverge information about themselves and a search engine can be used to locate other individuals with the same interests. Pictures are put up, thoughts are collected, matches made.
Altering your perspective, through drugs, or alcohol can also let your guard down. There are obviously other ways this happens but I'm going to move on.
With these tactics and a little charisma, you can easily get around defense mechanisms. The problem however comes after a prolonged relationship with another individual. Individuals who sneak their way past all defenses could in turn one day set off a switch in the targeted individual and therefore be put through a violent backlash (I would use divorce rates in America to as my example).
There's no way around it, a part of the ego will forever protect an individual from outside sources and prevent the world from collapsing from within. Finding friends, loved ones, and decent people in your life must all pass through your ego. You'll never know what you get until you battle the ego.
Another way to get past defense mechanisms is by knowledge or knowing a vast majority of information about a topic the individual that the individual enjoys. This is sadly done rather easily; in today’s world the largest intelligence gathering is taking place voluntarily in places such as "Myspace" and "Facebook" whereas individuals diverge information about themselves and a search engine can be used to locate other individuals with the same interests. Pictures are put up, thoughts are collected, matches made.
Altering your perspective, through drugs, or alcohol can also let your guard down. There are obviously other ways this happens but I'm going to move on.
With these tactics and a little charisma, you can easily get around defense mechanisms. The problem however comes after a prolonged relationship with another individual. Individuals who sneak their way past all defenses could in turn one day set off a switch in the targeted individual and therefore be put through a violent backlash (I would use divorce rates in America to as my example).
There's no way around it, a part of the ego will forever protect an individual from outside sources and prevent the world from collapsing from within. Finding friends, loved ones, and decent people in your life must all pass through your ego. You'll never know what you get until you battle the ego.
Impact Interactions
Recently I've found that certain words and gestures can make a significant impact upon ones mood. These actions, while for the most part we are unaware of, can make or break a social interaction between two individuals. I always thought these forms of communication are for the most part "rushed", unlike writing were we are improvising our daily lives one breath at a time. I guess what I’m saying is, try to be more subconscious about your actions and those of individuals around you because it’s vitally important to surviving in this strange world.
These hints and clues can provide a generalized clue into the actual mood of other individuals around you. You'll find if someone's not having a good time in your social group, that it can affect the rest of the group. Were merely social creatures trying to bide for the spotlight or the lack thereof.
Can I accurately identify impact interactions? Sadly no, I can not write a book and that makes this reading these clues easier to individuals. I can say, that individuals you don't know will make more glancing interactions (or things that might annoy you, or make you smile briefly), individuals that control an aspect of your life make power interactions (that can ruin a day instantly, or make your day), finally there's the ones closest to you which make lasting interactions (which stick with you for a long time).
Everyone’s different and that’s my best attempt to categorize the various interaction classes we face everyday. Just remember that a few words, or a gesture could start a windfall of events that you are unaware of, and it’s a better idea to think before acting.
I will continue this post tomorrow with defense mechanisms, because not all interactions should be interpreted the same way.
These hints and clues can provide a generalized clue into the actual mood of other individuals around you. You'll find if someone's not having a good time in your social group, that it can affect the rest of the group. Were merely social creatures trying to bide for the spotlight or the lack thereof.
Can I accurately identify impact interactions? Sadly no, I can not write a book and that makes this reading these clues easier to individuals. I can say, that individuals you don't know will make more glancing interactions (or things that might annoy you, or make you smile briefly), individuals that control an aspect of your life make power interactions (that can ruin a day instantly, or make your day), finally there's the ones closest to you which make lasting interactions (which stick with you for a long time).
Everyone’s different and that’s my best attempt to categorize the various interaction classes we face everyday. Just remember that a few words, or a gesture could start a windfall of events that you are unaware of, and it’s a better idea to think before acting.
I will continue this post tomorrow with defense mechanisms, because not all interactions should be interpreted the same way.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Finding love
I must recall an event a while ago that set a clear indication on how you know you have the right person. I'll try to leave this as vague as possible so I don't indicate any individuals as to how this event took place.
One day I was pretty pissed of, actually uber pissed off. I had a lot of work to do, and the day had yet to begin. To top things off the cops even pulled me over before I got into where I was going, and I was super (uber) pissed off. I was contemplating out driving them in my Malibu, but I realized that these attempts would have been futile. So naturally I pulled over, and the cop bitched at me for not pulling over right away but there wasn't anything wrong, he was just doing some damn routine checkup...
So after the cop incident, I rolled into the place I was going, pretty pissed off. And walk into the building. I went to my usual spot with my head down seeing the usual individuals as I walk by.. And then it hit me, almost dumbfounded, my pissedoffness was instantly relieved by a smile... I looked at her, she looked at me, and it must have lasted for a good five seconds when she asked me what I was smiling at... I respectfully said nothing, grinning ear to ear, but that's how you know.... that's how you know... I would love to know how to explain it, just looking at someone and making some connection without even speaking to them before you got there.. But I can't.
Well anywoo, since I did have a drink tonight I guess I should fall asleep..
I thought it impossible, but 5 seconds can make life worth while...
One day I was pretty pissed of, actually uber pissed off. I had a lot of work to do, and the day had yet to begin. To top things off the cops even pulled me over before I got into where I was going, and I was super (uber) pissed off. I was contemplating out driving them in my Malibu, but I realized that these attempts would have been futile. So naturally I pulled over, and the cop bitched at me for not pulling over right away but there wasn't anything wrong, he was just doing some damn routine checkup...
So after the cop incident, I rolled into the place I was going, pretty pissed off. And walk into the building. I went to my usual spot with my head down seeing the usual individuals as I walk by.. And then it hit me, almost dumbfounded, my pissedoffness was instantly relieved by a smile... I looked at her, she looked at me, and it must have lasted for a good five seconds when she asked me what I was smiling at... I respectfully said nothing, grinning ear to ear, but that's how you know.... that's how you know... I would love to know how to explain it, just looking at someone and making some connection without even speaking to them before you got there.. But I can't.
Well anywoo, since I did have a drink tonight I guess I should fall asleep..
I thought it impossible, but 5 seconds can make life worth while...
Friday, November 03, 2006
While sitting watching CNN last night, the discovery of an interesting thought process occurred to me. It’s obvious that any individual can accomplish something when they put their mind to it. But what about the unreachable goals in our lives? If we are constantly thinking about these goals, how do we get a seemingly better grip?
Is this due to foreseeing future events, and the various paths that your consequences would correspond to? This seems like the most logical explanation, for instance if your going to work and you believe you'll be tired because you'll plan to stop at star bucks before you get into work so your more competent. I believe short term goals are easily accomplish and is something any individual can do with little or no conscious effort.
But as goals get more complex, so does the time and effort. A project due for work, hanging out with the family, or seeing a friend. Obviously the project needs to get done, but then you have to choose next which goal you'd rather be in. How can you tell an individual their time isn't worth yours? Someone could easily say why you wouldn't want to hang out with the family, but then you miss out on being there and the stories told.
Obviously there are many levels of complexity to goals. For time sake I want to jump to the complex goals "life goals". If you merely think what you want to accomplish is it possible?
Well let’s first take a step back. I believe life goals can not be consumed by a singular entity in your life. It’s true that one or two of these goals might lead you to a new area in life, but to truly accomplish a life goal isn't being entirely oriented with a singular entity such as: the job, money, friends, family, faith, happiness, love, recreation, school, location.
There are obviously goals in my life that I have still yet to fail and recognize, and if you fail to identify any of these, you will never achieve a life goal. By having one goal dominate your life and that's what you'll get.
It’s almost like a balancing act, but many people fail to realize what they want, and when they do, its too late. There is a path out there, its difficult to follow, and impossible to realize.
I must now stress the importance of my original thought.
By merely thinking can we accomplish our goals?
If you think of ideas can they get passed subconsciously? And gradually influence the people around you to accomplish life goals? People off in the distance? Or people you've never met?
I think so.-------- the three most important words in this post.
Never stop thinking because everything is possible...
We do not fully understand the consciousness of our minds, and we do not understand how powerful our brain really is.
Is this due to foreseeing future events, and the various paths that your consequences would correspond to? This seems like the most logical explanation, for instance if your going to work and you believe you'll be tired because you'll plan to stop at star bucks before you get into work so your more competent. I believe short term goals are easily accomplish and is something any individual can do with little or no conscious effort.
But as goals get more complex, so does the time and effort. A project due for work, hanging out with the family, or seeing a friend. Obviously the project needs to get done, but then you have to choose next which goal you'd rather be in. How can you tell an individual their time isn't worth yours? Someone could easily say why you wouldn't want to hang out with the family, but then you miss out on being there and the stories told.
Obviously there are many levels of complexity to goals. For time sake I want to jump to the complex goals "life goals". If you merely think what you want to accomplish is it possible?
Well let’s first take a step back. I believe life goals can not be consumed by a singular entity in your life. It’s true that one or two of these goals might lead you to a new area in life, but to truly accomplish a life goal isn't being entirely oriented with a singular entity such as: the job, money, friends, family, faith, happiness, love, recreation, school, location.
There are obviously goals in my life that I have still yet to fail and recognize, and if you fail to identify any of these, you will never achieve a life goal. By having one goal dominate your life and that's what you'll get.
It’s almost like a balancing act, but many people fail to realize what they want, and when they do, its too late. There is a path out there, its difficult to follow, and impossible to realize.
I must now stress the importance of my original thought.
By merely thinking can we accomplish our goals?
If you think of ideas can they get passed subconsciously? And gradually influence the people around you to accomplish life goals? People off in the distance? Or people you've never met?
I think so.-------- the three most important words in this post.
Never stop thinking because everything is possible...
We do not fully understand the consciousness of our minds, and we do not understand how powerful our brain really is.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Dream... A woman, my professor, and dad
Woke in bed with a woman, her arms around and caressed my body. two other girls lay dormant in the room, awaiting their turn. We lay still, looking at each other for hours, and then she leaves without a word. I hurry and follow her out the door, but its too late, she's gone. I come back inside and realize the family is up, hastily hurrying to make breakfast. I walk inside, my head down, cursing the gods for letting her go. I return to my room, surprised to find that the two girls are still awaiting my arrival. :-) I calm them down, and say I’ll be back soon, and leave to have breakfast with my family.
A doorbell rings, I walk to the door, professor Mathews comes out and says "how do we know this is real?", I said "exactly" as I let him in to join us for lunch. I ended up introducing him to my sister Mary. "Mary this is my professor from college, Professor Matthews." He replied that and said "George is fine" and they began to talk haste fully. I looked around the table and noticed a ball man I never met before, I was going to say something to him but I decided against it. So I left the table, not in the mood to eat, and gradually realizing I’m dreaming sat down at my computer and my dad asked me for help. I walked in the bathroom to notice that he was working on the washer and drier. But before I could do anything a volt struck his heart, he bounced immediately in the air and hit a pipe which complete the circuit. He then crashed through the floor half submerging his body. I hurried to his rescue trying to pull his body up from the floor but I realized his body was only stretching. I tried to get him out. But it was too late, he was dead...
A doorbell rings, I walk to the door, professor Mathews comes out and says "how do we know this is real?", I said "exactly" as I let him in to join us for lunch. I ended up introducing him to my sister Mary. "Mary this is my professor from college, Professor Matthews." He replied that and said "George is fine" and they began to talk haste fully. I looked around the table and noticed a ball man I never met before, I was going to say something to him but I decided against it. So I left the table, not in the mood to eat, and gradually realizing I’m dreaming sat down at my computer and my dad asked me for help. I walked in the bathroom to notice that he was working on the washer and drier. But before I could do anything a volt struck his heart, he bounced immediately in the air and hit a pipe which complete the circuit. He then crashed through the floor half submerging his body. I hurried to his rescue trying to pull his body up from the floor but I realized his body was only stretching. I tried to get him out. But it was too late, he was dead...
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