Somewhere long ago before life started to get hectic with marriage and babies. A group of friends got together and decided to do something special. Before life drifted them apart they decided to go on one last epic adventure. A trip that anything goes, polite language is frowned upon, and rancid food leaks from the anus of every individual involved. My good friend Matt had this dream, a tall headed ginger with no skin complexion, and great organizational skills who saw that woman of his dreams standing in front of him. But before he could let go of his past a great quest was dreamt up and proposed to his friends...
The above trip was proposed through a series of chain emails mails.. Some individuals did not understand the concept of reply or reply to all so messages were dropped. New rules were then developed, and we took learning modules to ensure proper communication, and read over spreadsheets filled with facts. Weeks of planing, reorganizing, cutting costs were discussed and having space/luxury was agreed upon by the vast majority of the group. Myself (because I'm the coolest one who gets to write everything), Matt (ginger ginger), Adam (the human learning channel), Nate (Sparkles the vampire), Trevor(oh so dirty) and Derrick (Hazel Hazel) all agreed to go on a journey lasting 7 days 1600 miles on a 32 foot RV.
That was before surprise babies came out from the woodwork. I didn't realize how much life could change in a heart beat or matter of weeks, but Adam and Trevor managed to squeeze a warning shot behind the great contraceptive balloon which the egg did not take heed and steered straight on till morning. Either way we lost Trevor due to financial worries and Adam was getting cold feet. In a way he realized like us all that this was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to let your pants down in public. So he raised all in, and Trevor folded; that's life. Trevor was lost due to cost concerns.... .
Somewhere through email communication we thought it would actually be quicker to just get everything out all at once in a meeting. Mr derrick was able to use his work phone and secure a conference call location. The first attempt went like this.....
Derick: I'm on the conference call where is everyone? (probably accurate)
Matt: Ummmmm poop, rabies, peanut butter, mix them together and what do you got? sorry bro, we all forgot... (what i imagined he replied with)
Attempt two was a week later, which I again forgot, but was reminded by Matt to join. A few minutes later i joined the hen collective and we were clucking away like a the wu tang clan (we ain't nothin to f$# with), except we were all white, and forgot to take turns, just talking louder until we found it was easier to take turns after taking a hit from an inhaler.. Soon a token ring network approach was then selected and we organized went over the details, though about food and made rules about not pooping in the rv. I talked about my plan to visit arcadea the land of arcade machines where we would go to this magical island off the coast of Maine and get lost playing 24 hours of xmen wide screen. Ok its Acadia, and i got ratted on yet again for a moment of pure unintended genius.
To kiss and tell about details in the conference call would hurt the rest of the story so i'll stop there.
To Part 2
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