But it was nice once I arrived down there, the initial blast of salt water made me nauseous but I quickly got over it Continuing down the road I discovered my final destination which was a small charming little fishing shack, which had cable tv, a bunk bed room, and a shower. However since its a salt marsh there is no septic system so there was a outhouse, that was tolerable when the wind was blowing.
My old college roommate brad (who i can only describe as a mixture between charlie sheen and thomas gabriel (the evil guy in live free and die hard)), was decently in the bag before I got there. We made sausages on the grill, and drank beers on the porch until the sun set, and talked about times in college. His cousin was visiting with her boyfriend and said they got jim gaffagan tickets and were driving all the way to Atlantic City after fishing tomorrow. We all started doing the hot pockets chant, but I like chip chop chip better personally.
After the sun came down however we didn't last too much longer. I found that a salt marsh has hella bugs and discovered the bugs there bit me 9 times like the predator targeting system. With the bugs decending we we decided to call it an early night. We ate some pancakes, took the dog for a quick walk while having one more beer on the journey. But when hitting the bunk beds I had difficulty sleeping at first because I thought I was hearing people having sex in the next room. Thus I did the whole arm over the head thing, and fell asleep.
I awoke the next morning to a marathon, they were still going at it I got up and looked around and noticed the fan was blowing air into the room, apparently Brad had optimum firing range from his anus to his girlfriends mouth which I heard about immediately. But I also noticed that the fan was blowing toward blinds in the corner of the room which revealed my "sex theory" was just the blinds.
I was also surprised that, my roommate brad was first up stating how he had a boner the other night and g rubbed it on the pillow he gave to me. But thankfully I was a little tipsy and just ended up using my backpack as a pillow, and his spirits immediately went down until coffee was served..
We slowly got situated, and there was some leftover pancakes, his cousin was up before us and they ended up leaving a half an hour before. I unfortunately was out of beer and we needed to get bait. We packed the car, headed down the road and I was surprised to find out that the beer store was open in Delaware by 9 am. Well the fact you could buy beer and liquor in the same place along with 6 packs amazes me, but that's besides the point.
After getting a case of Miller Light 16oz, we stopped at the bait shop to get out of state licenses. Then Finally came to rest at our surf fishing position called slaughter beach.. We set up with our 10 foot fishing poles with beach spikes (pvc pipe), and it was fish on. My first cast I must have sent my rig about 50 yards out. Well it broke off and went 50 yards, apparently your not suppose to whip it as hard as you can the "God Damn it Brian" came out rather quickly. I was trying to do the Napoleon dynamite throw this football as far as I could sketch. But spent the next 20 minutes tying my own flounder rig.
Once I got the hang of it, it was a lot of fun. You put a 2 lb weight on the end of your rod with 2 hooks for squid. In a gentle emotion you toss the rod as far as you possible can from the edge of the surf which is generally around 20 yards. Keeping the bail open you walk your rod back about 5 yards to your sand spike and tighten the rod until it is tense.
You'll notice if you feel the line that the lead weight rolls around with the tide, constantly going back and forth. a false positive could be frequent if your not thinking about that. However half the time in the beginning I didn't know i even hooked a fish and caught 4 dogfish sharks and a bunch of croaker. It wasn't until 1 pm where we decided to start keeping the fish we caught and by then the tide was going out and so was the fishing. We packed it up heading back to the fishing shack, and continued drinking on the wall. I learned the history of the storms from the locals and how a major nor'easter back in 1991 was the worst storm they had.
Apparently the whole entire island was washed away, and only sand remained. You can not even get flood insurance where this property is located at but it is rather cheap to own (150 dollars in taxes a year). In sandy they have a retaining wall around the property that goes about 6 feet that saved the property from Super storm Sandy.
The locals are those early to bed early to rise type of drinkers and left us around 6 pm to hit the sack.. We decided to order a pizza and relax a bit. Brads girlfriend went to pick it up and brad was too tired of waiting we made some pancakes again. Thankfully we did that because the pizza was small, we polished that off and decided to go to the dock for some night fishing. It didn't last long since the wind was really coming in and we all had major sunburn from being on the beach all day.
We again called it an early night after brad caught a couple eels. I used the shower and passed out on the couch where brad found me the next day. It was a pretty much circle story from there, we woke up fished, except there was family drama that brad had to deal with which is where i'll end the story.
Have a great Monday everyone...
Brian Vincent
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