Monday, February 02, 2015

The Ward

          Reading my dream journal
                           Over the past year,
     this caught my eye,

   The walls were black,
         and cold,

           A extensive hallway,
    dimly lit,

           By low hanging,
                    dangling light bulbs,
               illuminates the way,
     With each step,
              your footsteps echo,
         racing down the hallway,

     Bouncing off a set of swing doors,
                 As a soft buzz,
            corresponds to the flickering of a light,
           The doors open with a loud creak,
                       As a sound of shuffling paper work
                marks your arrival,

    "I'm here to see patient 237963",
                           I state casually,
                               As the attendant froze,
              His voice visibly shaken,
                              "You barely made it out last time",

            "Don't tell me how to do my job,
                          I say venomously I reach his desk,
                   slamming my fist down,
                                Grabbing the attendants attention,

       "Now Is the patient available"?
                     I pause but continue without waiting for an answer,
                                "Or do I have to come back later"?

                   "Have it your way, But I'm not going in there again",
                                As he reached for a button,
                         And the bared door,
                                            Swung open,

             I walk through the door,
                          Feeling the attendants eyes,
                  Burn through my back,

                   No matter now,
           I have bigger problems ahead,
                                   Then a frayed,

              I Need to get my head right,
                        Eyes are everywhere,
                    In the ward,

                As faces peer out though,
                        the cell windows,

                 Their demonic eyes,
                                   constantly curious,
                             To visitors,

             I reach the patients cell,
                          breath deep,
                   And Let my mind go blank,
              As I press the button,
                                       Open the door,

     A loud buzz,
                Unlocks the door....

          The room is pitch dark,
 When I notice,
          a figure in white sits facing the opposite corner,
                    Her body in a straight jacket,

            To contain her,

                  "Back again for more?"
             a whisper somewhere deep in my mind,

                                Is she talking,
                         Or Is that me thinking?

         Don't go crazy again,
                             She turns,
                             No guards,

                 As her eyes turn red,

                  I panic and reach for the button again, 
          As all the lights go out,
                        The hallway begins to flash red,
                  and Sirens blare,

            Playtimes over,
                         She races out of the hallway,
                     Just as the door shuts,

                With great speed she's around the bend,
            In the blink of a eye,

                           I give chase,

                 She's made her way
                               To the end of the hall ,
                                  Her straight jacket gone,
                        Somehow torn away,

             I notice blood dripping down her mouth,    
                      As two guards lay,
                                      Sprawled out on the ground,

                            So much blood,
                  So little light,

                                As object wizzes past my body,
                       Impacting the wall,

                                A syringe,
                                            Is she trying to drug me?
                                   Am I just a snack?
                                               This was a horrible idea,

                        I push a wooden table over on its side,
                                                                  as more needles hit with a thud,

                             Protruding through,
                                         I charge using the table as a shield,
                                                    I need to watch where I put my hands,

                Its not long before,
                       I slam into her body,

                                But I don't stop,
                                           Until we race into the window,
                                   At the end of the hall,
                                                      We break through,
                                               And begin to fall,

                              You will be mine,

                                               she spreads her wings
                                          and claws into my body.

(needs a re-write tomorrow)

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