Sunday, July 01, 2007

Busy Schedule

The date should actually be July 27th not July 1st... I edited a old journal because i didn't really do anything with it.. Its funny that it still keeps that date regardless of when you post an item.. The date posted is simply the creation date...

Well its been a little while since i wrote but I've been busy trying to accomplish everything on my schedule which seems harder and harder to appease...

With every day off it seems like i need to accomplish something on that date so it the day itself is not considered a waste.. It also seems that on every moment available its harder to get something done, little by little they get done but nothing monstrous like i us to be able to accomplish..

At the moment I'm enjoying just spending time with Steph (so I'll do beer trips/my personal projects when i have free time when she leaves for South America.. I believe you have to enjoy spending time with people your with because you might not have it in the end...), wedding plans, the band, various parties, and other family events.. It seems that my personal schedule has come to a halt while i try to process all this information through my queue... I am however looking forward to this weekend because my good friend Matt is coming home and Saturday is a designated relax/drinking day before my schedule picks back up...

I've been slacking on the writing so I'll try to think of something more insightful on my car ride home...