Monday, January 16, 2006


To me boredom has two separate meanings:
  • Firstly I believe it is not having a meaningful present timeline in your life.
  • And secondly, not having comfort in finding whats truly best for for ones self at the moment.
Anyone can lose their way from time to time, but it's not an excuse to stay down. To be bored requires an individual to be put in a situation where no possible outcome could benefit an individual greater then doing nothing.

To do nothing, an individual could by chance find more enjoyment in drinking which means to do more then nothing, and thus a dependency on alcohol evolves from the lack of activity available to an individual (lack of choices). It doesn't matter how great or small an activity is but human beings would rather accept a lower stature of life then being bored in a higher level of life.

An individual who is truly bored must be unsatisfied with their current situation and is striving to find a new or better way to improve upon the moment. If an individual is bored, then anything is possible, its mind blowing to think that a complete blank thought otherwise known as the emotion of boredom evolves to create something great. Boredom I believe is a main component in finding nirvana because we are always searching for a state of mind where we are the most satisfied about our thoughts.

To summarize: being bored in nirvana means being unsatisfied with your current state and in search for a fulfilling state. Searching is a beginning.

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