Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wondering.... I don't know what you'll think when your done with this one....

Oh how many things I will elaborate on now that alcohol is now in my system.... I will first and foremost give my thanks to a drug that will eventually destroy my liver, thus ending my life... Alcohol.... Without it I would not be so out spoken and open about how I currently feel. Although, I must say that life in itself is the slowest form of death and all that we have learned in life are the lessons about the useless knowledge of existence.

Were meat and bones, simply to be crushed by a thumb as we would to an ant. Simply were a combination of senses that elaborate in five areas which include sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. They form a reducing valve that gives us our current sight on how we think the world operates. Without this reducing valve, we are lost in the endless spectrum of shapes and colors that are not to be effected by the minuscule fifth dimension we call time. For without the reducing valve; we'd simply be awestruck staring endlessly at a flower... Admiring its beauty and saying how all life should be the same; incompatible of communicating with another individual on the endless fractals that exist within the flower...

What I'm talking about is a visionary experience... A visionary experience is a way that an individual can inadvertently alter his perception of normal reality (sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell) and can view the world in a different light. This is why America and has such a problem called alcohol and tobacco.

For In the middle ages altering the reducing valve was so much easier. Chanting or singing for a prolonged period of time created more CO2 in your system then your body could get rid of. This altered an individuals perceptions which caused them a lapse in the reducing valve that increased acceptance of outside ideas. (Aldous Huxley "Heaven and Hell" *I'll continue to use his book to explain a visionary experience*).
They also lived within a time where colors were not widespread and a visionary experience could occur simply upon seeing a piece of gold, a valuable gem, or the lighting of a city. All of which we take for granted today, but a visionary experience as Huxley puts it is not hard to experience.

As soon as our mind wonders, I believe our mind has experienced something we have yet to describe. Something that.... someday artificial intelligence might comprehend. If only we could explain how a light, a feeling, an altering of our reducing valve, makes a visionary experience to a simple binary form of ones and zeros.... Then we will have finally sealed our place in history, and ensured the continuation of our planet... Even if its not from a human form...

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