Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Your life is a switch board.

Its an array of choices that causes on one side of the switch "pleasure/discomfort" and on the other side simply "some pleasure". By observing the switch board you realize the difficulty of giving up the pleasure/discomfort option to simply have some pleasure. Discomfort grips the mind when you give up something that causes discomfort and the pleasure that accompanies the release of discomfort becomes your poison.

To illustrate, I believe life is a line. When traveling to a destination for the first time, and getting through the twists and turns you never quite know how simple it is to get there. Your mind wonders whether your going the right way, but on the journey home you already know the path and the choices that follow (whether to get gas or something to eat) become easier to ascertain then traveling to your destination. When knowing your destination life becomes easier. Life becomes a line.

Therefore, i do foresee discomfort in my life, but i also know that after it is over I'll be able to make decisions easier along the way without it. My life will have more curves then jagged edges.

By looking at the switchboard your goal is to make a line, you can't accomplish this over night, but in moderation if you must fuse your life together. You can do this by making the decisions in life that are meaningful but also respect yourself enough to at least give things a try and if they don't work, admit your mistake and try again to make the line.

Therefore i must announce that I'm starting a new category of posts that will be entitled fuse. This is my attempt to create my line, and rid myself of discomfort. This will explain why i will do something, and try to apply it to my life. Now on the other side, i will have a category called break, which i can not fully describe yet, but I can foresee myself not going through with some fuses and need to return to my past state before attempting to move forward to find nirvana.

To begin, I'm going to attempt from this moment forward to never smoke a cigarette again in my life. I have been on both sides of the spectrum, and encouraged people to smoke; while i also told people smoking is horrible for your health and you should quit. The pleasure I get from a clean lung, and the ability to breath overwhelmingly takes precedent over a elation of a feeling from stress and enslavement to the worrisome attitude of the materialistic value of them in my pocket. Plus I'm tired of coughing up a lung after i smoke too many.

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