I went out the last night with a bunch of individuals outside my core group of friends (something i never really do when I'm home, but always did when I was away(if that makes sense)) . I was only planning on staying out a few hours, but it just so happened that when I was finally setting my alarm clock it was 4 am. They were very much the same kind of individuals who enjoyed a good drink, hanging out and having conversation.
A few things I noticed from the previous night.
There was a story about a Jamaican in roller blades.
It went something like this: A Jamaican rollerblader was skating down the boardwalk. He had a boom box on his shoulder and was sliding/gliding with the music. Out of nowhere he trips on the ground taking the brunt of the fall to protect his boom box. It turns out that the trip was no accident, in fact, someone made him lose his balance. The boom box was then ripped from his side and the unidentified man ran away with his prize. The Jamaican man looked up to a passerby and was saddened. Not for the fact that his boom box was stolen, but the fact that his music was gone. How can go through life without music?
If some attribute was taken from your life immediately, how many other attributes would you lose? Would you still be able to glide on the boardwalk with music the same way as if you didn't have it?
I also like the point someone made about music and moments. To accurately explain a song, you have to set the tone and describe an area of life where the song meant the most to you. Then people might fully appreciate the choice of song, or at least have the ability to envision that moment. At any rate you'll at least get a story out of it, or a conversational topic.
The last comment I liked was going out and living your life in a different area and being influenced by the culture. Having to listen to a certain type of music because no one knows about your past music, it doesn't exist in this circle. Your new friends will be constantly running up to you and suggest something from their own musical background, to play on your stereo. Its being lost in an area with music lovers, while never hearing their culture/their music before.
And that, is something that everyone really needs to do.
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