Sunday, December 03, 2006


My generation grew up in a world of technological limits. Our computers in the 90s operated at a snails pace compared by today's standards. The graphics were 2 dimensional, and the concept behind programs was easy to understand. We grew up in these simpler times, and luckily we've gained something that future generations will not be able to comprehend.

Our problem solving skills were developed when 2 dimensions were the farthest our civilizations technology allowed us to visualize. Forced to operate in this crude world we realized how to gradually use technology right when it was the easiest to understand, visually and concept wise.

We have the ability to view simple problems in 2d. Something future and past generations will fail to realize to our fullest potential. I however must urge you not to fall trap to the 2D (like a lot of individuals fail to see) and believe that is everything, because its not. Thinking that you know everything without realizing the 3rd dimension is one of the biggest traps that exist today.

The concept behind many actions remains the same. But in 3D the operation seems flashy, more complex. To simply move across a room requires more thought, we analyze the textures, contemplate, and finally see the hidden concepts beneath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what exactly you mean that people live or act relative to a 2D world. I do think that occasionally we get too caught up in 1D: time. We keep moving forward burning away our life only ever focused on the passing time. We miss so much around us.