Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Thoughts on Gas

1.) gas prices should be standardized.... They shouldn't flux between 2.80 to 3.07 because of a driving session.. We know there's going to be increased need at this time in the beginning of the year so wouldn't it just be wise to say hey were all going to pay 2.89 for gas for the entire year instead of hiking gas prices up and down every time there's increased consumption.

2.) We need to have a larger oil reserve/gas reserve in this country. Whatever the amount is its way too low to sustain our country for very long. Right now i think our current system has us alright for one month..

3.) Refineries should schedule downtime/maintenance on an alternating schedule so that no two refineries are down at the same time. As well as trying not to schedule downtime during summer driving and winter heating session...

4.) when gas prices go over a certain amount say 3.00 cents its mandatory that the gas company invest those profits in the oil infrastructure /alternate fuel / do something to lower the cost of gas... Honestly there's no difference between this year and last year in terms of supply and we were paying 2.30 for gas... They simply did not invest in their infrastructure causing a choke point where gas comes into the country.... By controlling that aspect they can keep gas prices higher then they were..

That is all for this subject...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've given the gas debate a lot of thought. Unfortunately, I have a very baised view of the situation because I technically don't pay for gas thanks to expensing mileage. All the same, I'd like to share my opinion. It is sort of funny that in less than 10 years we've a product increase 300% in cost. I remember paying around a dollar. Now I pay 3.

What if cars suddenly increased at the same rate. A brand new Ford would go from $25,000 to $75,000. People honestly wouldn't be able to afford cars if wages didn't increase at the same rate. Even on a lesser scale, what if a compter went from $1500 to $4500. That would create a huge barrier for that as well but not nearly as much. I would like to say that price is all relative but it isn't. There is no scaling. Small items that increase significantly hurt but not nearly as much because you don't experience all the hurt at once. Yes, you will go from spending $2000 a year in gas to $6000 but you only feel it $40 at a time.

But getting to my real point, there is no way you could fix gas prices. We already pay significantly less for gas than the rest of the world and I'm greatful for that. We really should all stop bitching about gas and start bitching about why we even need gas. That's a whole different story, but I think that is the real problem. Start complaining to congress. Start doing whatever else you can do to make the point that you don't want to use gas anymore.

I'd love to believe that we are on the verge of an alternative fuel mass acceptance, but I have this funny feeling that it is further away than I'd like.