Monday, March 06, 2006


It dawned on me that my college years are numbered and it’s time to start growing up. 

While I enjoyed going to the bars and having a good time; I believe it will also be a present to not have a constant hole burning in my wallet. Besides it’s cheaper to do something more productive with your life if you learn from it, so i decided to get a drum book and a pair of new sticks.

It feels better when you have rhythm in your step, compared to the spins and light-headed feeling of drinking.  Don't get me wrong, I will still have a few drinks from time to time, but I had enough of it as a daily occurrence. Therefore in the spirit of lent, I'm going to give up this life style. Not that I'm a spiritual person, but i do believe the habit forming process of lent and produce life changing events if you can stick with it. 

Other thoughts on productivity....

My dad always said:

             "There's a time for work, and a time for play."  - Papa Bear-
A productive person does what?
  • Only Works
  • Only Plays
  • Both
My roommate Dan argues that a productive person never works because they are wasting time working. Playing should be your "work" and individuals who do not realize that miss the big picture.

I counter Dan by saying, some individuals who only play miss out on the joys of work. To complete a job that you didn't intend to start makes an individual elated and glad he completed it. The feeling after the horn sounds and the money in your wallet as you go home to start something else.

Its interesting to view the two different philosophies.

I think my dad is right though; there is a time when an individual has to do something he didn't intend to fix. Otherwise the world of play wouldn't exist as it does today. It would collapse because no one would want to do the "hard work". Simply, we would be in an age far less civilized and less complex then the one we currently exist in. 

By working, we have time to play, and the right to enjoy all the gadgets and gizmos that exist because of our accomplishments or “hard work”.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better to realize things like this sooner than later. You definately need a balance of pure fun and pure work to lead a productive and satisfying life in my opinion.