Saturday, January 13, 2007

Why do we run in circles? (the chase, realization of happyness, The circle)

The chase

When traveling down the road of life, we are initially by ourselves. We know exactly where we'll end up.. That light at the end of the tunnel that calls our name. But then something occurs, we're distracted, we find something that we thought didn't exist. Another being.

Were driving down that path, passing traffic left and right, occasionally glancing left and right. We see others looking in out direction, but were traveling too fast. We never realize how much the people we pass have in common with our lives.

Unknowing to the previous statement, we decide at some moment to take our time. Slow down for a part of the journey. Glancing out over our windshields we realize the beautiful landscape passing before the eyes.

It happens, not quickly, but suddenly. A car rolls up beside you. You glance over smiling, and they immediately smile back. A connection is formed between the two. You begin to exchange thoughts, ideas and even music (passing cd's across the connection as though you were stopped completely.

But they look forward. Starting to travel at an increasing speed you try to keep up. Noticing the danger to your own life you slow down. And notice they're exiting a mile ahead of you. You try to keep up, but no matter how fast you travel, while the connection seems to still exist, you realize they circled around in the same path. Your on the highway again experiencing the same thoughts but without the individual; they're 100 meters ahead of you.

Realization of happiness

You live where you live, you encounter your friends, family, job, location daily. This life you've chosen has made you happy. In your life, your the happiest you've ever been.

Now take that emotion your feeling, is it the same for every other individual? Of course not. People have different dream, ideals and perspectives. What's happiness to you might not be happiness to them.

Now they are also happy. Their life is perfect to themselves and you realize from your own perspective that they seem to be happy. Their life compared to your own seems a little brighter, the goals they achieved belittle certain goals in your life that would make you happy in your own sense.

Now sit there, and rate your entire life on a scale. Rate every individual goal you own and compare it to the scale of other individuals. There goals you seem to understand. Written on paper you compare them to your own and congratulate them on the life they live.

So i ask you, can you truly understand happiness, in the perspective of another individual? Having the same goals, desires, the rating system that they have?

The circle

So the question becomes why do we run in circles? Firstly we attempt to understand. We contemplate the possible angles, realize its futile to react, and come to a point of acceptance. Secondly, you can run in circles all your life and never fully understand the meanings behind the meanings. Circles go forever, and we become obsessed by them. There is never a ending point of understanding, just the realization of moving forward. Thirdly, circles exist so we can learn to change direction. New goals, new dreams unrealized, and the lessons learned from the experience move us forward on our path.

I write circles to illustrate my circle. Although in metaphors, i hope everyone can pick out certain points that will help them break out of the circle they have circum to. Your not trapped, you just don't realize the potential of moving forward.

I hope my writings help individuals, although i am trapped in my own circle until i finish my writing, I hope that others will will foresee the greatness of experience in situations, and find themselves moving forward after I am done.

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