Friday, March 23, 2007

Killing Officer Reed

It was the morning of April 28th 1999, the open highway on interstate 80 allowed traffic to flow smoothly down the picture perfect day. The rolling hilltops, covered in green, streams full from the melted snow allowed for motorists to glance upon Pennsylvania's beautiful landscape and admire variety of trees that spread from mountain side to mountain side.

The speed limit is 65, but most motorists go 69-74 depending on how much they're in a hurry. You'll have the usual passing you at an increased speed, prob. one every 4 minutes, which isn't that unusual at all to see. Typically all these cars will go by un-noticed, and typically get to their destination a few minutes ahead of schedule.

On the other hand, at the end of every month in Pennsylvania certain set of individuals "police officers"needs to obtain a quota or a set amount of speed violators that travel on the Pennsylvania roads. If they were doing their job like they should be, no one would be going over the speed limit. But since they sometimes allow people to go faster then usual, and then decide on certain days to bust people for going over the speed limit not telling the public which day, it turns out to be a very profitable job that produces a decent income for the state.

On this particular day, my main man Dan is traveling down the road, he just was fired from his job and is moving his stuff from his office to his home. Of course he doesn't know what time of the month it is, he's just going his usual 8 miles per hour over the speed limit. But of course he doesn't have cruse control so at times it goes a little faster or a little slower depending on his state of mind/how often he's constantly checking his speed.

Down the road a ways officer reed just finished writing his 5th ticket of the day, he just pulled over a young lady. He smirked to himself when he saw the registration noticing it was registered to her parents and couldn't resist to ask the girl "does your parents know your driving this fast?" the young girl shrugged his shoulders in the air, stutter spoke, the reaction he was looking for. He simply wrote the ticket and let her on her way.

driving down the road a few more miles he pulled to his final nifty hiding spot before he would have to start all over again on the other side of the highway. Safely hidden away, he reaches over his seat for his krispy cream donuts and radar gun that lied adjacent to his seat. Only need a few more to meet this months quota, i guess i should of started a little earlier but this job is too easy the officer thought.

Meanwhile Dan continues driving down the road, he begins to let his mind wonder, what in the hell am i going to do now? fucking shit, that cock sucking back stabbing whore of a boss, if i only knew where he parked his car he wouldn't have any tires today. Ugh... Slightly aggravated he continues his way down the road to the tune of angry hardcore music blasting from all his windows.

Dan didn't realize it but his car was starting to approach the warning speed zone of 10-15 mph over the speed limit meaning on certain days when the police force decides to uphold the law in Pennsylvania you might get pulled over.

Up ahead officer reed was grinning ear to ear. No sooner did he sit down and get to finish his krispy cream donuts, then another speeder flies by. What idiots, can't they read the posted speed limit sign? I just feel like tearing into this guy when i get him.

The lights flash and he pulls out of his spot, Dan noticed looked at his speedometer and was instantly livid. Fucking 10 miles over and he's pulling me over? WTF? FUCK FUCK FUCK instantly turning down the radio and getting his appropriate papers ready.

Officer reed saw him pull over a yellow vw ahead of traffic and was pleased he didn't have to go that far because the turn around was just a quarter mile up ahead. He did what he usually did, found his papers, looked at the last reading on the speedometer, and started walking toward the vehicle.

Upon approaching the vehicle he noticed a bunch of boxes packed away inside the car, stopping for a brief moment to glance in he knew it wasn't college moving day so he was a little suspicious upon walking up to the individual.

Dan:"Good afternoon officer"
Officer Reed: "Good Afternoon, do you have any idea how fast you were going?"

Dan did know how fast he was going but he wasn't ready to admit defeat yet. He thought for a second and said.

Dan:"Why i was going the speed limit sir"
Officer Reed:"That's not what i have here son, you were going 75 miles per hour, that's 10 miles over the speed limit."
Dan:"Oh really? man I'm sorry if i was going that fast, there must be an error with your equipment"
Officer Reed: Very unlikely, can i see your license, registration, and proof of insurance?
Dan:-hands over his materials.
Officer Reed: Looks over the information briefly outside the car... So what's in these boxes here son?
Dan: Its work related material
Officer Reed: What kind of work do you do.
Dan: Well honestly, its none of your business.
Officer Reed: Son just answer the questions and I'll get you on your way.
Dan: Sir i don't really have to be anywhere, and you honestly don't have any business with the contents of any of my belongings.
Officer Reed: Very Well...

Officer reed went back to his car and started to run the information through his onboard computer, he only found a few speeding tickets on his record, nothing major but still wondered about these boxes and how far he should push to get to take a peek.

Dan on the other hand was thinking what a cock mother fucker this guy was. I get fired from work, and i don't feel like telling that to anyone right now, especially not some nobody officer in dipset pa. WTF is he doing just give my ticket and let me get out of here.

Officer reed decided to fill out the paper work, and he slowly approached the car again, upon entering he made Dan sign the speeding ticket as a signal that he received the citation. After he received the paper officer reed asked if he could see whats inside the boxes.

Dan said: dude there my belongings, get a warrant if you want to search my shit.
Officer reed: Step out of the car sir.
Dan: what? are you serious?
Officer reed: Sir (holding his hand to his holster) please step out of the car.
Dan: Ughhh alright. Dan unbuckled his seat belt and was outside of the car.
Officer reed: Since you won't cooperate with me son I'm going to have to search this boxes under probable cause. You just had to help yourself out son. Just put your hands on the hood of the car and stay there until I'm done.
Dan: You were just going to search my boxes anyways asshole, is this how law enforcement works? you don't want someone to go through your stuff and you call that probable cause, give me a break.
Officer Reed: Shut your hole, do you know its a Friday and i can have you sent to jail for the entire weekend if i really wanted to..
Dan: At least meals would be free, and i could have the possibility of suing your ass to high heaven when your done.
Officer Reed: We'll see about that, you probably are moving some kind of drug or another. He began to look through the boxes looking for anything he could find.
Officer reed found family photos, photos of friends, and books. Pencils, computer equipment, documents, and placks.
What the fuck is all of this? Earthlink? Did you just steal all this stuff from earthlink? I'm going to have to give this company a call.
Dan:Go right ahead, i was just fired from them
Officer Reed: So you stole things from their office?
Dan: If you call my things and my work i did there, and you classify it as their things, then you'd be right officer dipset.

Officer Reed: Son are you crazy or something, what's your deal, so you got a bad rap today.
Dan: And i got a nosy officer who just destroyed a perfectly good pack job that's going to take hours to clean up.
Officer Reed: Well I can't find anything, you can go on your way.
Dan: Just what i thought fucker... you'll be hearing from my lawyer asshole.
Officer Reed: What? and that's suppose to scare me?
Dan: just go, you caused a mess already.

Officer reed got back in his car satisfied with the mess he put this asshole thought. He can't even hold down a steady job, how the hell does he think he's going to get a lawyer to fight this. He puts his car in gear drives a quarter mile down the road and waits at his turn around point for his next victim.

Dan on the other hand just stairs at his car.. All his papers, his work, thrown every which way. His books lay on the street, and his speeding ticket laying neatly on the dashboard. Mother fucker, i just wish i could kill that mother fucker. Dan quickly made a few piles in his car, and regained some order. He realized the most of this is going to have to wait so he rolled his windows up and started down the road.

If i could just see that cock sucking whore again I'd...... WTF there he is... again... does he do this all day? Is it that time of month? I mean seriously.. Theres no reason for this.. Dan slows down just in time to notice officer reeds flashers come on... Dan lays on the horn, and flips off officer reed. Officer reed noticing this hits the breaks as he pulls out, only to get hit by an oncoming tanker truck splashing his brains in the side of the grill...

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I have found out after college you need a diverse amount of activities to grab hold of your time so you don't lose your mind. Firstly I'll say I'm most likely going to be working down in Harrisburg for a company called rite aid, I don't plan on moving down there as of yet but I'll be able to get money to fund some projects of mine.

The first project of course is my book circles which is coming along alright, i realized if you concentrate too much on a project you get tired of it. You need breaks from a project that's going to take a vast amount of time to accomplish. I hope to have my first draft of my book by the end of may but realistically it'll be more near the end of July.

The second project I'm working on is a project that i tossed aside when i left my job at penteledata. I had this idea for a website called brew trip which i definably don't want to get into a site where people can go to and rate beer (ratebeer and beeradvocate) for those sites already do that. Instead I want to properly properly educate individuals on beer, give them a tool that will enable them to be better informed brew travelers, and come up with a way to promote brew destinations whether it be through some award system, judgement process, or other means yet defined. Actually traveling to these places and doing a photojournalism type idea also seems like a neat thing to throw in..

The third project is just jamming with the band again, recording our random jams and working on a few songs.. Its the lowest on the project list but if we get serious again i can always throw up the old band website.

(You always need three examples to make yourself look creditable, i don't know why but it always looked better then a yes or no answer.. You always have to have the possibility of both, or maybe even neither. Anymore then that and your rambling)

I just like having these three projects now, I cut out the hour i spent everyday playing city of heroes to pursue these and i sometimes get so caught up in them i have to glance at the clock more then i should..

The main thing i guess is, you enjoy what your doing. You have breaks from what you enjoy, and you finish your goals.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Warning Signals

Warning signs reveal,
               the contemplated thoughts,
          of our past mistakes,

The bump in the road,
                       Allows for us to take part,

To make our voice heard,
                   In the council of society,

So that future generations,
              will know before its too late,
          the troubles that lie ahead,

That instead of stumbling,
              They will rise,
                       In the face of adversity,

                They will admire,
Our one line poetic thoughts,
                            of centuries past,

They will not realize,
             the time and effort,
         for a word to spread,
                  across the globe,

Those words did not burn,
                          Like wildfire,

They were ironed out,
                 with a sword and shield,

The battles fought,
                 won or lost,
remembered or forgotten,
                remain constant in our ever changing world,

That our ideas,
              can not simply be changed,
and that freedom,
                  will not be morphed by the space bar and random keys,

No one likes bloodshed,
                      But its powerful,

It makes a statement,
                    when we cut off,
the tyrants fingers.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Sunday Drive to Church

Leaving the house has become a daily chore. The husband, sits in the car, impatiently, awaiting the exiting of his wife. He knows he could avoid this situation, the impending argument, if he just woke her up a little earlier. But then again, the wife would wake up groggy, tired, and irate. Causing her to take even more time to get ready, slowing down his own progress.
Analyzing all those statistics from ESPN would constantly become interrupted. This in turn would cause him to have to watch Sports Center twice instead of once. The husband could also go around and unplug the coffee pot, toaster, the usual suspects. But she would double check to see if their unplugged causing him to lose that time he already spent unplugging everything.
Now he could take a shower right before bed, allowing for the hot water to build up overnight. But then when she hit the snooze button on her alarm clock, she wouldn’t have “that cue” (the shower turning off). Causing her to completely sleep in and blame the husband for being a dirty old inconsiderate fool.
Moving his processing power from his mind to his body he reaches for the radio. He decides to hit the first preset button, allowing musical waves from the nearest pop radio station to flow through his mind. He starts to shout, trying to drone out the catchy phrases of Avril Levine, but the neighborhood kid peddling by could only make out something he just recently heard on the outtakes of American Idol.
Growing increasingly impatient the husband honks the horn, causing the kid to giggle to himself and peddle away. The wife on the other hand finally emerges from the house to an oh so familiar scene. Her eyes cast down the don’t start with me look. And the husband rolls his window down, yelling “Come On” over Justin Timberlake’s bringin sexy back.
The husband hatefully rolls up his window as the wife meanders over to the car door, lifts the handle and finds the door locked. She raises her hands in the air as to pray, and puts her hand on the handle again. Like they’ve practiced a million times before the husband hits the unlock button on the door at the same exact time as she tries to open the door. The resulting factor has every other door but hers open, which would help the situation if he was a taxi driver.
“Hold your horses” the husband yells, “You’ll break the damn door if you keep it up”. The wife just stands still, looking into his eyes and contemplates trying to do it again to see how pissed off she could make him this morning. He finally hits the button the and wife is whisked into the car by a batch of fresh air just in time to hear “the best songs on the radio 94.1 WQKX Sunbury” and she turned the volume down. Rummaging through her purse the husband puts his hand on the back of her seat and slowly backs out of the driveway.
Wanting to see how she looked, the wife pulls the blinder down and exposes the mirror to take a look at herself as she always does. As they pulled up to the first stop sign, the husband pounds the blinder up and for the 100th time shouts “Do you want to get into an accident? I can’t see the road when that things down.”
The wife who was already satisfied with how she looked rummaged through her purse and found what she was looking for. Nail polish. It didn’t take long for the husband to glance over and protest the smell of nail polish, but she simply said if you woke me up earlier this could of been avoided.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


The candle burns lower as the room grows colder 
while the spiders feast upon their prey.
The dust grows denser while the man sits tenser, 
as his cough echoes in the room.  

Work stacks higher, 
sounds from the fire, 
his foot gently tapping against the wooden floor.  

Shadows from afar, 
made by the stars, 
creep ever so slowly from the window.

The man is alone, 
cold to the bone, 
secluded from the rest of the world.  

A quill drips black, 
sitting on a rack, 
gradually changing the color of the wood.  

Recalling memories, 
taking remedies, 
a shot of whiskey to easy his nerves.  

The man starts to laugh, 
when the bottle is half, 
as creatures lurk outside his door.

His heart beats faster, 
the crickets a bastard, 
skipping there harmonic melody.  

The bottle is empty; 
his body becomes hefty, 
with dizziness clenching his frail mind.

The room becomes black, 
as the man starts to hack, 
uncomfortably suppressing the inevitable blowout.  

Ten dollars now lay on the floor; 
the man never viewed it that way before.

Rats came happily, 
as the man sat sadly, 
watching them devour the pile of stench.  

His gun lay loaded; 
a loud explosion, 
smoke fills the little room.
Load the bullet, 
pack the powder, 
the power of god is in his hands.  

The man grows tired, 
the gun rises higher, 
and the bullet of freedom will reign once more.

Monday, March 05, 2007


It has lately occurred to me that confidence is a difficult attribute for individuals to obtain/maintain. The first problem of confidence is building it, whether it be for school, work, dating, military, ect. How do we exactly obtain confidence? Do we need to fail over and over again at a task; finally completing it and realizing how to apply it to other activities? Well that’s sounds like knowledge, but it takes knowledge of a task to build the foundation of confidence.

Now is simply knowledge everything when it comes to confidence? Of course not, you need to be able to apply that knowledge in some atmosphere over and over again. Gaining experience through your successes and failures. But then again, is experience needed for someone to be a confident person? Someone who fails constantly at an experience isn’t going to be as confident as someone who constantly succeeds. If the person can improve from their failures and eventually succeed he has traveled through adversity and a person who has experienced adversity and came through on top is a more confident person the someone who simply succeeds.

Once they succeed, they must be able to look at other individuals and be able to tell them the knowledge/experience they obtained. A confident person is a leader, who might not always be right, but will learn from their mistakes.

So we need a knowledgeable/successful person who has failed. Traveled through the land of adversity and was able to lead hundreds without light.

Now the tricky part is, how great of a failure does it take to lose your confidence? Does losing the hundreds of individuals your leading to darkness cost you to think twice when you only thought once. Failing a paper or receiving an awful grade on a paper you thought in your mind was perfect. Breaking up with your girlfriend after years of servitude.

I know this, once confidence is obtained, it takes a great failure to knock someone off their pedestal. And once off, they must start from square once, revising their knowledge, reflecting the experience, and expressing concern to others where failure did not seem like an option.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I've been reading a bunch lately on the current situation in Iraq and the degrading coalition of the willing. I can't help but look at the country and say it was doomed from the get go. A foreign government invades and topples a regime, only to side with half of the population. Creating the roots for a civil war in a country that honestly needs to be divided if peace is going to be pursued.

The religious beliefs of the Sunni and Shiite are not comparable with each other. Our basic moral values such as the freedom of religion seems alien and they simply want to work with other like minded individuals. They live in a world of absolutes, black and white, right and wrong, while the united states brings in a shade of grey to a culture that's not ready for it.

When someone says no to a situation or law in our country, we might protest, write a letter to the congress man/woman, organize meetings and talk with other individuals. These simple actions are not translating properly over there, and they do not realize how much can be accomplished with time and effort.

What they realize is that giving their life makes a statement, it a crude way but a legitimate way in their eyes. Wasting time arguing with a side that you hate like heated debates before the American civil war will not be resolved while we are there. Governments are forged in bloodshed, conflict, and determination. The side that wants to govern most and stands up to their ideas firmly will win.

I can see no reason why we should not at least support a side by equipment and training if it fits the best interest of America, i do not however want to see us wasting countless lives because we are fighting for a side that does not want to stand up for a government we enacted.