Monday, March 05, 2007


It has lately occurred to me that confidence is a difficult attribute for individuals to obtain/maintain. The first problem of confidence is building it, whether it be for school, work, dating, military, ect. How do we exactly obtain confidence? Do we need to fail over and over again at a task; finally completing it and realizing how to apply it to other activities? Well that’s sounds like knowledge, but it takes knowledge of a task to build the foundation of confidence.

Now is simply knowledge everything when it comes to confidence? Of course not, you need to be able to apply that knowledge in some atmosphere over and over again. Gaining experience through your successes and failures. But then again, is experience needed for someone to be a confident person? Someone who fails constantly at an experience isn’t going to be as confident as someone who constantly succeeds. If the person can improve from their failures and eventually succeed he has traveled through adversity and a person who has experienced adversity and came through on top is a more confident person the someone who simply succeeds.

Once they succeed, they must be able to look at other individuals and be able to tell them the knowledge/experience they obtained. A confident person is a leader, who might not always be right, but will learn from their mistakes.

So we need a knowledgeable/successful person who has failed. Traveled through the land of adversity and was able to lead hundreds without light.

Now the tricky part is, how great of a failure does it take to lose your confidence? Does losing the hundreds of individuals your leading to darkness cost you to think twice when you only thought once. Failing a paper or receiving an awful grade on a paper you thought in your mind was perfect. Breaking up with your girlfriend after years of servitude.

I know this, once confidence is obtained, it takes a great failure to knock someone off their pedestal. And once off, they must start from square once, revising their knowledge, reflecting the experience, and expressing concern to others where failure did not seem like an option.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"A confident person is a leader, who might not always be right, but will learn from their mistakes."

The philospher Hiedegger once said, "None has more contempt for what it is to be a man than those who make it their profession to lead the crowd"

He follows this up with various reasons, and I know it doesnt have much to do with your post, but you reminded me of that when I read through the part about being a leader. If you want to hear more, get at me-
