Monday, May 21, 2007


I've decided that the best way for my book to get published in the near future (which by the way is still a good ways off) is to have some creditability... How do i exactly do this? buy submitting some work to literary journals across the country to try to have some of my work published..

I also realized that when submitting work to these journals that the vast majority of them are hard to get work published and very competitive. its typically takes 2 to 3 months to get work considered depending on which journal I'm submitting to..

So to start, I'm not going to swing for the fences and try to get my work published in the "paris review" my favorite literary journal. But I am currently searching for smaller journals and submitting work to at least get something published and get that monkey off of my back..

As soon as i hear back from a reviewing magazine/journal that a work of mine has been published i'll let everyone know on here.. but until then.. The daily task of writing envelops my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck!