Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I wrote a letter today to http://www.stoprosie.com/ . You have to check out the website because he defines his argument really well and i can respect him for it.. but his definition of free speech and anti-americanism gets me. Below is the letter i wanted to send... and below that is the actual letter because he only accepted up to 500 words...

First Letter
I don't know where to begin with this letter. So I’ll simply make a statement

Terrorism is a word, and doesn't exist in the real world beyond a society of individuals who deem another society’s action is inappropriate toward their standard of living. If the action is minor, it is deemed criminal, and as the intensity of the crime increases it goes up a scale until you commit crimes against a nation which we deemed as terrorist. (Which doesn’t make sense because a nation can't be held accountable for crimes only individuals. Why should a entity that doesn’t exist have immunity for action? Why did we create this scapegoat of nations and groups?)

But I’ll continue.
In the terrorists view they are solders fighting a battle against a suppressor. But in our view we are fighting a battle against a group of terrorists who will strap bombs to their body and blow themselves up to make a statement. Disregard they don't have enough money to buy suffocated weapons to fight us. Their fighting the only way they know how.

But you know all this
Your calling for a boycott against a TV show that has brought you some media time, some fame, and concentration on an issue. (Whether you wanted it or not). It seems that you simply want people to stop watching and turn a blind eye to the show. Not only that, you most likely would want to just shut up anything you deem as unpatriotic or anti-American if you had the power to do so.

Well tell me sir what is un-American? Do you know? Do you have a degree in unamericanism (yes I totally made up that word)? You say she has the right to say whatever she wants, but then state in your reason that you will no longer enable an anti-American individual to occupy our network television airtime.

So does this mean people still have the right to state their opinion in this country? (Obviously not if you feel the way that you do). Its kind of funny how this happens you view this as anti-American, I view it as patriotic.

I simply see the book 1984, or Stalin as the dictator covering the media from what he doesn’t believe needs to be said.

But I’ll stop here… I’m sorry your turning your back to the world and not seeing the 360 degree scale of issues. I can only hope that these lies, can lead to research into to the issue that no one knows the answer.

Brian Vincent

Actual Sent
tell me sir what is un-American? Do you know? Do you have a degree in unamericanism (yes I totally made up that word)? You say she has the right to say whatever she wants, but then state in your reason that you will no longer enable an anti-American individual to occupy our network television airtime.

So only americans can make american statments in this country. To be honest I simply see the book 1984, or Stalin the dictator.

I’m sorry your not seeing the 360 degree scale of issues

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