Sunday, April 01, 2007



I've been sick the past couple of days. Well actually the past week.. It started with a stomach virus that began when i got back from new york. It progressed into a fever, and vomiting. After a few days of this my throat started to get sore and i had a hard time swallowing food/water.. Needless to say its something you defiantly don't want to get (and hopefully I'm about done with it)..

When your sick you just don't care about your usual daily rendition. Instead a nagging reminder constantly rotates into your vision. You might not pay attention to it right away, but it'll hit harder. Start eroding your consciousness until your laying in bed just thinking about it. Hoping the ache will go away with a nights rest. But its still there. Your other priorities fade away when alls you want to do is consume a food and beverage without pain. You think it will run its course and wait it out. One day, two days, three days, and finally you start to feel better (only because you magically attacked the beast with the right over the counter drug method and sleep). But it returns and you finally make that trip to the hospital.

You see others with the sickness. Their eyes look at your disheveled hair and unshaven face they smirk but they also understand. For they too are in the same state.

So i sit around, wait for my name to be called, go back, get my drugs and come home.

I realize the drugs made me feel better. thus if you want to feel better sooner, go to the hospital right away instead of being a schmetlap like me and waiting 5 days to go to the hospital...

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