Sunday, April 15, 2007

This is a letter i wrote to the antidrug. I guess i need to find a new topic besides drugs but i really don't like that American political system defines drugs as a criminal problem rather then a social problem.

We honestly do not have the ability to keep every American off drugs. We can tell them it’s wrong, we can tell them their friends will come down the street and just say “hey I have something for you to try”. But in the end they’re going to have to make that decision.

My major concern isn’t keeping drugs out of the county. I don’t believe that’s the problem. What I dislike is the drug war that’s happening in the United States. And by allowing violent drug dealers to thrive in our atmosphere; or to allow a no knock policy for our police force because a violent drug dealer could be in a house in a bad neighborhood. Innocent people die in this war because we are too focused on purifying humans.

You know what we should do. Educate our children. Not just by having people come in and say drugs are bad, they’ll ruin your life. But also by people who used drugs safely throughout their lives. They only smoked pot maybe 1-5 times a year, and say its ok but don’t go crazy with it; just like alcohol. We have charts to warn individuals based on body weight if they’d be a safe to drive but you have no charts available on other drug usage which would help people better understand what is safe and what is not. In the end children will have to learn responsibility with drugs with or without you and the only way they learn that now is by experience.

By not educating people on safe drug usage, people don’t realize the danger zone their approaching and become addicts. True this might happen if we educate them or not, but at least we gave them a chance.

Billions of dollars are being spent to fight this, jail cells are being built, and for what? People who are simply balancing the supply and demand; there is demand and their always will be. The responsible thing as a society for us to do is educate, take the drugs out of violent drug dealers hands, and declassify this criminal act as a social problem much like alcohol abuse.

Brian Vincent

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