Monday, November 13, 2006

Brian Vincent

I've lately been getting some good feedback from the blogs that I’ve been writing, whether its from e-mail, instant messenger, or the comment button that no one seems to notice (but matt). However, I thought it would be an interesting idea to come up with a pen name before I start to start to get more new readers coming to my blog.
The reason I decided to come up with this idea is based on increase in traffic. As of Thursday I actually had over 100 hits for the first time ever. The traffic to my site went up from 8 hits a day as of Sunday to 100 by Thursday. I stopped writing when this occurred and was simply stunned. The feeling I experiences was like forgetting to lock the back door to your house when drug dealers are using your parking lot to move their goods. You never know if something is going to go down the time you see headlights flash by your bedroom.
But now that I regained my composure and I want to thank everyone who's reading. And apologize for that brief moment of outspokenness.
I just don't want to be famous; but merely to continue doing what I like and having my thoughts and ideas imploding upon an eager population of individuals.
So for my pen name decision, I was sitting down at the dinner table and my parents were actually going to name me something else before they finally chose my name. I was to be a Brian before my grandfather died. So to honor that brief lost moment in time, I guess I’ll adopt that very name for the first in my pen name. The only other name I liked was when I fooled my good friend into believing my middle name was actually Vincent; which he believed for a couple hours until I started grinning ear to ear.
So therefore whenever I write from now on I'll go by the pen name Brian Vincent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is blogger-bot Chakadrum visiting your site for the 134rd time today.