Monday, November 06, 2006

Defense Mechanisms

I'll start where I left off in my last post, impact interactions can make a greater impact on individuals with lower defense mechanisms. These are people namely less educated individuals who go along with the group decisions rather then speaking out for themselves. So one way to get around defense mechanisms is firstly to get into "the group". Being familiar with other individuals can grab an influence, and spew poison inside the mind of a group and open the flood gates for information inside a targeted individual.

Another way to get past defense mechanisms is by knowledge or knowing a vast majority of information about a topic the individual that the individual enjoys. This is sadly done rather easily; in today’s world the largest intelligence gathering is taking place voluntarily in places such as "Myspace" and "Facebook" whereas individuals diverge information about themselves and a search engine can be used to locate other individuals with the same interests. Pictures are put up, thoughts are collected, matches made.

Altering your perspective, through drugs, or alcohol can also let your guard down. There are obviously other ways this happens but I'm going to move on.

With these tactics and a little charisma, you can easily get around defense mechanisms. The problem however comes after a prolonged relationship with another individual. Individuals who sneak their way past all defenses could in turn one day set off a switch in the targeted individual and therefore be put through a violent backlash (I would use divorce rates in America to as my example).

There's no way around it, a part of the ego will forever protect an individual from outside sources and prevent the world from collapsing from within. Finding friends, loved ones, and decent people in your life must all pass through your ego. You'll never know what you get until you battle the ego.

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