Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Complete and Utter Randomness

For this post i want to touch on a few things I found.

While i was sitting at my computer, I stumbled across a song by Gnarls Barkley titled "crazy". Which you can listen to if you click here. Lyrically its an amazing song, with just a simplistic approach for drums and bass with a quiet choir in the background. Occasionally strings will jump in, filling in the darkness. I looked to see if he had any other songs that would stand out but this was the only one. The lyrics for this song can be found here.

Another thing I've noticed is that people who place quotes in their profiles are placing quotes that are most meaningful to them at that particular moment in there life. Thus I've decided to save the ones that stood out and actually think about these rather then simply closing the box and with the quote never really existing.. I'll try to do this type of post every now and then, it just gives me a break and allows me to find something different.

"A significant and growing minority of students is simply not propelled by what we have come to regards conventional motivation. Rather than aiming to be successful men in an achievement oriented society, they want to be moral men in a moral society."

Money is not everything in life.
People fail to realize that.
What you own will eventually own you.
So doing the right thing is more important then the things you own.

Fear comes from the Devil, Faith comes from God. Which are you gonna listen to?


I'm not going to be scared into picking between two choices, what a fallacy. Life is bigger then a 50/50 multiple choice answer where if you don't believe your going to hell. I do not want to go to a place "heaven" where individuals think they are better then everyone else "non-believers". Racist, that's what I'll call religious people, people who can not see that every religion is inter-connected, and that non-believers could be better individuals then believers.

Religion, the seed of racism.
a brainwashing clinic.

V. Van Gogh "When people get more education, they lose their youth"

Youth? what is youth? is youth simply ignorance to the world around us? If it does, then i will completely agree with this.

I however do not believe that youth can be lost through education (what about a war?). Since the beginning of humans existence individuals existed and lost their youth. Education didn't come until the foundation of civilization.

Hmmmm.. youth is something that does not exist, but only in your mind. You lose it by losing sight of your mind and becoming a different person altogether.

"The sooner you know who you are and what you want, the less you'll let things upset you."-lost in translation.

This is a nice quote, but it stresses speed, know exactly what you want or you'll be angry with yourself. A lot of people don't know what they want to be, and the sooner they make their decision that they think could be the right one, the sooner they'll find out that they made a bad choice. Speed is not everything in life. Slow down, think, be wise.

The torture of chalk dust collects on my tongue, Can't this wait til I'm old, Can't I live while I'm young.

A better argument to when people lose their youth in education. I still must say this is the most common way people could lose their youth, but its not the only way to lose yourself.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
wake up naked
drinking coffee
making plans to change to world.

By far my favorite two quotes I found. I guess this reflects the point in my life where I'm at right now. Trying to find direction, to slow down and put meaning to everything before setting the right foot forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"hey hey hey, smoke weed everyday" - anonymous