Monday, November 27, 2006

The Pressure Dome

Your in a stadium, a dome, no seats are around, just solid white walls. The floor is much the same, everything covered in white. Perplexed by the scene around you make your way to the center of the dome, realizing there's no way out you simply lay down. Utterly bored you begin to stair and start to lose focus. Closing your eyes results in much the same, but you continue to stair.

With your eyes closed, staring into nothingness you begin to realize things exist. Lights emit distant mountains appear in the west, doorways and pathways appear, eyes. Your mind begins to wonder, thinking on its own, without assistance. You catch yourself in mid thought and open your eyes.

The room is now pitch black, lights are still emitting, but they're more organized then before. Your thoughts are free flowing, it takes you a little while, but you realize your somewhere you've never been before.. Inside your mind. You sit, pleasantly observing the thoughts around you. But your attention is distracted to a distant corner; something isn't right about the texture of the wall.
You begin to walk toward it, your thoughts slowly fade away and the room becomes empty. You begin to concentrate, and begin to see what it is. A cork, simply put in the wall. You try to think what's on the other side but the thoughts simply are lost.
You sit, and contemplate what is on the other side, and slowly it comes back. The happiness, the sadness, the anger, and acceptance of a forgotten moment.
Pushed aside, you begin to believe you want what's behind it, and gradually you allow the pressure to ease between the two sides. If you simply pull the cork, you'd fill the dome with thoughts from afar flooding you conscious mind, but by allowing the pressure to equalize, you're allowing for a much easier transition.

Fallout, panic, worrisome, you know why its there, but what else is there? Behind the cork you know what’s ahead of you, you just don't know where it will end up.

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